Rates Effective June 1, 2024 For New Guests

Rates Effective August 1, 2024 For Current Guests

(Only Sales Tax was Modified)


Reservations are based on 2 person occupancy. Additional persons are $6.00 per person per day exceeding the two person maximum over five years old. Reservations include two vehicles per site. No utility trailers allowed on sites without the permission of the management. 



Prices include: Water & sewer, use of amenities, and all applicable taxes.

**Payment plans for annual leases are available. Call the office at 1-863-946-1324 for payment plans and rates**

Finance Fee - $60 per month for Annual Rents that are not paid upfront

**A $75 late fee will be charged for late payments after 5 days per each month late

RV check-in is at 2PM, check out by 12 NOON.  Call office for exceptions.


*Year round gives right for year round occupancy on site.

*During Annual 6 month storage if electric left hooked to unit upon departure: Credit card required to secure monthly invoices.

All sites are based on two (2) person occupancy. Extra person charge: $6.00/per person per day over five years old.

*All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid credit card on file & all balances paid upon arrival.

Please Note: REFUND TERMS: A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is required to reserve a site. You are responsible for the time you reserve.

WINTER (October 1st to April 30th): We DO NOT refund ANY Winter reservations made for any stay from October 1st to April 30th. This applies to any reservations that overlap Winter and Summer dates as well.

SUMMER (May 1st to September 30th): We DO NOT refund Summer reservations made for any stay from May 1st to September 30th. This applies to any reservations that overlap Winter and Summer dates as well.

At owners discretion only: The owner reserves the right at his sole discretion to modify or replace any part of this agreement for special circumstances and must be approved in writing.

Aruba RV Resort is a licensed transient RV park, not a mobile home park. All RV sites are considered common areas. We expect common courtesy to all. This includes noise, animal, and child control. All Guests, including overnight guests, will please register at the office upon arrival and pay all fees. RV check-in is at 2pm, check out by 12 noon. All rates based on two-person occupancy. Rates are subject to change without notice. All parking is based on 1 boat and 1 car, or 2 cars limit. Total Daily/Weekly/Monthly Rate is due in one payment upon arrival. For more information call us at (863) 946-1324.


Pets are a big part of our lives and the RV lifestyle. Aruba RV Resort welcomes our four-legged furry friends with the  understanding that our park guests’ safety and privacy is adequately protected. All park guests are expected to take care  to respect their neighbor's right to peaceably and quietly enjoy their space and recognize that some folks are simply not pet friendly. The undersigned park guest agrees to comply with the Aruba RV Resort Pet Policy as set forth below: 

1. The only pets permitted upon the park premises are dogs and cats, which must be approved by and registered with  the park office. Pets belonging to park visitors are not permitted to enter upon park premises without prior park  approval and registration. 

2. Only two (2) registered pets are permitted per lot, which shall include registered pets belonging to park visitors. 

3. Dogs must not exceed a single weight of seventy-five (75) lbs. or combined weight of one hundred fifty (150) lbs. Certain breed restrictions may apply. 

4. A pet interview at the park office is required prior to entry upon the park premises. A pet interview may be requested  by a park guest for any pet that may not meet the criteria herein set forth. Pet approval is at the sole discretion of  the park office. 

5. The park retains the right to demand the removal of any pet that disturbs or is otherwise a detriment to the overall  health, safety and well-being of the park’s guests and visitors. 

6. Pets must be properly registered in accordance with federal, state, and/or local regulation, and appropriately  vaccinated. The park office may require documentary proof of the foregoing, which must be furnished by the park  guest upon request. 

7. Pets must be leashed or secured at all times while outside of the park guest's RV or mobile home and shall not be  left unattended on open porches, patios, and/or decks. 

8. Park guests must clean up after their pets in ALL areas of the park.  

9. Park guests are responsible for any and all bodily injury, death, and property loss or damage caused by their pets  or pets belonging to their visitors.  

10. Pets are not permitted in the park office, laundry rooms, common recreation areas, or pool areas. 

11. Pets are not permitted to relieve themselves on neighboring lots. 

12. Pets must be housed inside the park guest’s RV or mobile home. 

After the first written warning, a fine of $75.00 per occurrence will be assessed against the registered park guest and their  corresponding lot as additional rent for any subsequent violation of the Aruba RV Resort Pet Policy. 

Certain limitations above shall not apply to service animals which, by definition, are not considered “pets.” Aruba RV Resort  strives to provide reasonable accommodations for all of its park guests with disabilities. 


Las mascotas son una gran parte de nuestras vidas y el estilo de vida de RV. Aruba RV Resort da la bienvenida a nuestros amigos peludos de cuatro patas con el entendimiento de que la seguridad y privacidad de nuestros huéspedes del parque están adecuadamente protegidas. Se espera que todos los huéspedes del parque se preocupen de respetar el derecho de sus vecinos a disfrutar pacíficamente y tranquilamente de su espacio y reconozcan que algunas personas simplemente no aceptan mascotas. El huésped del parque abajo firmante acepta cumplir con la política de mascotas del Aruba RV Resort como se establece a continuación:

1. Las únicas mascotas permitidas en las instalaciones del parque son perros y gatos, que deben ser aprobados y registrados en la oficina del parque. Las mascotas pertenecientes a los visitantes del parque no están permitidas a entrar en las instalaciones del parque sin la aprobación y registro previo del parque.

2. Solo se permiten dos (2) mascotas registradas por lote, lo que incluirá a las mascotas registradas que pertenezcan a los visitantes del parque.

3. Los perros no deben exceder un peso individual de setenta y cinco (75) libras o un peso combinado de ciento cincuenta (150) libras. Es posible que se apliquen ciertas restricciones de raza.

4. Se requiere una entrevista de mascotas en la oficina del parque antes de entrar en las instalaciones del parque. Una entrevista de mascotas puede ser solicitada por un invitado del parque para cualquier mascota que no cumpla con los criterios aquí establecidos. La aprobación de mascotas es a discreción exclusiva de la oficina del parque.

5. El parque se reserva el derecho de exigir la remoción de cualquier mascota que moleste o sea perjudicial para la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar general de los visitantes y visitantes del parque.

6. Las mascotas deben estar debidamente registradas de acuerdo con las regulaciones federales, estatales y / o locales, y debidamente vacunadas. La oficina del parque puede requerir prueba documental de lo anterior, que debe ser proporcionada por el huésped del parque a petición.

7. Las mascotas deben estar atadas o aseguradas en todo momento mientras estén fuera de la casa rodante o casa móvil de los visitantes del parque y no deben dejarse desatendidas en porches, patios y / o terrazas abiertas.

8. Los visitantes del parque deben limpiar los desechos de sus mascotas en TODAS las áreas del parque.

9. Los visitantes del parque son responsables de todas y cada una de las lesiones corporales, muerte y pérdida o daño a la propiedad causados por sus mascotas o mascotas que pertenecen a sus visitantes.

10. No se permiten mascotas en la oficina del parque, las lavanderías, las áreas comunes de recreación o las áreas de la piscina.

11. No se permite que las mascotas hagan sus necesidades en los lotes vecinos.

12. Las mascotas deben estar alojadas dentro de la casa rodante o casa móvil de los visitantes del parque.

Después de la primera advertencia por escrito, se aplicará una multa de $75,00 por ocurrencia contra el huésped registrado del parque y su lote correspondiente como alquiler adicional por cualquier violación posterior de la política de mascotas de Aruba RV Resort.

Ciertas limitaciones anteriores no se aplicarán a los animales de servicio que, por definición, no se consideran “mascotas”. Aruba RV Resort se esfuerza por proporcionar alojamiento razonable para todos los huéspedes con discapacidades de su parque.